
copyright © 1995-9 Rev. Richard Jordan, used by permission


Take my life and let it be 400
Tender Shepherd, Thou hast stilled 595
Ten thousand times ten thousand 476
That day of wrath, that dreadful day 612
That man a godly life might live 287
The advent of our King 68
The ancient Law departs 117
The Bridegroom soon will call us 67
The Church's one foundation 473
The day is past and over 555
The day is surely drawing near 611
The day of resurrection 205
The death of Jesus Christ, our Lord 163
The God of Abraham praise 40
The Gospel shows the Father's grace 297
The Head that once was crowned with thorns 219
The King of Love, my Shepherd is 431
The Law commands and makes us know 289
The Law of God is good and wise 295
The Lord hath helped me hitherto 33
The Lord, my God, be praised 38
The Lord my pasture shall prepare 368
The Lord my Shepherd is 426
The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want 436
The man is ever blest 414
The morning light is breaking 497
The morning sun is brightly beaming 545
The old year now hath passed away 125
The people that in darkness sat 106
The radiant sun shines in the skies 547
The royal banners forward go 168
The saints on earth and those above 478
The Savior calls; let every ear 281
The Savior kindly calls 302
The Son of God goes forth to war 452
The star proclaims the King is here 131
The strife is o'er, the battle done 210
The sun arises now 542
The sun's last beam of light is gone 563
The voice that breathed o'er Eden 622
The will of God is always best 517
The world is very evil 605
Thee will I love, my Strength 399
There is a fountain filled with blood 157
There is an hour of peaceful rest 617
There still is room 509
Thine forever, God of Love 338
Thine honor save, 0 Christ, our Lord 265
This body in the grave we lay 596
This child we dedicate to Thee 303
This day at Thy creating word 12
This is the day the Lord hath made 10
This night a wondrous revelation 88
Thou art the Way; to Thee alone 355
Thou Light of Gentile nations 138
Thou who roll'st the year around 111
Thou who the night in prayer didst  spend 493
Thou whose almighty word 508
Throned upon the awe full tree 174
Through all the changing scenes 29
Through Jesus' blood and merit 372
Through the day Thy love hath  spared us 553
Through the night of doubt and sorrow 481
Thy Table I approach 310
Thy way, not mine, 0 Lord 532
Thy ways, 0 Lord, with wise design 530
Thy works, not mine, 0 Christ 380
'Tis good, Lord, to be here 135
Today Thy mercy calls us 279
To God the anthem raising 112
To our Redeemer's glorious name 363
To shepherds as they watched 103
To the name of our salvation 116
To Thee my heart I offer 89
To Thee, 0 Lord, our hearts we raise 573
To Thee, our God we fly 580
To Thy temple I repair 2
'Twas on that dark, that doleful night 164

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