Chief of sinners though I be 342
Christ, by heavenly hosts adored 566
Christians, awake 84
Christians, come in sweetest measures 282
Christians, sing out with exultation 100
Christ is arisen 187
Christ is our Cornerstone 465
Christ Jesus lay in death's strong bands 195
Christ, the Life of all the living 151
Christ the Lord is risen again 176
Christ the Lord is risen today 193
Christ the Lord is risen today; Alleluia! 191
Christ the Lord to us is born 86
Christ, Thou art the sure Foundation 466
Christ, whose glory fills the skies 359
Come, follow Me, the Savior spake 421
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest 233
Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord 224
Come, Holy Ghost, in love 227
Come, Holy Spirit, come 225
Come, Jesus, from the sapphire throne 634
Come, let us join our cheerful songs 344
Come, my soul, thy suit prepare 459
Come, oh, come, Thou quickening Spirit 226
Come rejoicing, praises voicing 82
Come, Thou almighty King 239
Come, Thou Bright and Morning Star 539
Come, Thou precious Ransom, come 55
Come to Calvary's holy mountain 149
Come unto Me, ye weary 276
Come, ye disconsolate 531
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain 204
Come, ye thankful people, come 574
Come, your hearts and voices raising 90
Comfort, comfort, ye My people 61
Commit whatever grieves thee 520
Creator Spirit, by whose aid 236
Crown Him with many crowns 341