
copyright © 1995-9 Rev. Richard Jordan, used by permission


O blessed day when first was poured 115
O blessed Holy Trinity 541
O blessed home where man and wife 624
O bride of Christ, rejoice 57
O Christ, our true and only Light 512
O Christ, Thou Lamb of God 147
O Christ, who art the Light and Day 559
O darkest woe 167
O day of rest and gladness 9
O dearest Jesus, what law hast Thou broken 143
O faithful God, thanks be to Thee 321
O Father, all creating 621
O gladsome Light, 0 Grace 101
O God, be with us 556
O God, forsake me not 402
O God of God, 0 Light of Light 132
O God of Jacob, by whose hand 434
O God of mercy, God of might 439
O God, our Lord, Thy holy Word 266
O God, Thou faithful God 395
O happy home 626
O Holy Spirit, enter in 235
O Holy Spirit, grant us grace 293
O Jesus, blessed Lord, to Thee 309
O Jesus Christ, Thy manger is 81
O Jesus, King most wonderful 361
O Jesus, King of Glory 130
O Jesus, Lamb of God, Thou art 328
O little flock, fear not the Foe 263
O little town of Bethlehem 647
O living Bread from heaven 316
O Lord, how shall I meet Thee 58
O Lord, I sing with lips and heart 569
O Lord, look down from heaven 260
O Lord, my God, I cry to Thee 600
O Lord of heaven and earth and sea 443
O Lord of hosts, whose glory fills 633
O Lord, our Father, shall we be confounded 269
O Lord, our Father, thanks to Thee 124
O Lord, we praise Thee 313
O Lord, we welcome Thee 93
O Lord, whose bounteous hand again 567
O Love, who madest me to wear 397
O perfect life of love 170
O perfect Love 623
O sacred Head, now wounded 172
O Savior, precious Savior 352
O Spirit of the living God 504
O Splendor of God's glory bright 550
O Thou from whom all goodness flows 515
O Thou Love unbounded 42
O Thou that hear'est when sinners cry 325
O Thou whose feet have climbed life's hill 486
O Trinity, most blessed Light 564
OWord of God Incarnate 294
O'er Jerusalem Thou weepest 419
O'er the distant mountains breaking 606
O'er the gloomy hills of darkness 505
Of the Father's love begotten 98
Oh, bless the Lord, my soul 27
Oh, blest the house, whate'er befall 625
Oh, come, all ye faithful 102
Oh, come, Oh, come, Emmanuel 62
Oh, enter, Lord, Thy temple 228
Oh, for a faith that will not shrink 396
Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing 360
Oh, how blest are ye 589
Oh, how great is Thy compassion 384
Oh, rejoice, ye Christians, loudly 96
Oh, sing with exaltation 217
Oh, that I had a thousand voices 30
Oh, that I had a thousand voices 243
Oh, that the Lord would guide my  ways 416
Oh, worship the King 17
On Christ's ascension I now build 216
On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry 63
On my heart imprint Thine image 179
On what has now been sown 46
Once He came in blessing 74
One thing's needful 366
One Thy Light, the Temple filling 641
Onward, Christian soldiers 658
Open now thy gates of beauty 1
Our blessed Savior seven times spoke 177
Our Father, Thou in heaven above 458
Our God, our Help in ages past 123
Our heavenly Father, hear 455
Our Lord and God, oh, bless this day 337
Out of the deep I call 327

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