WORSHIP - Essence

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True worship exalts God to his rightful place in our lives.


Christian worship is at once the Word of God and the obedience response thereto.

W. H. Cadman


Worship is transcendent wonder.

Thomas Carlyle


To worship God is to realize the purpose for which God created us.

Herbert M. Carson


Worship is the declaration by a creature of the greatness of his Creator.

Herbert M. Carson


Reverence is essential to worship.

Frank Gabelein


Worship is that to which we give our interest, our enthusiasm and our devotion.

Clarence E. MacCartney


Worship...is giving to the Lord the glory that is due in response to what he has revealed to us and done to us in Jesus Christ his Son.

Oswald B. Milligan


Worship is the adoring contemplation of God as he has revealed himself in Christ and in his Word.

J. Oswald Sanders


In true worship men...have little thought of the means of worship; their thoughts are upon God.  True worship is characterized by self-effacement and is lacking in any self-consciousness.

Geoffrey Thomas


Worship is the submission of all our nature to God.   It is the quickening of conscience by his holiness, the nourishment of the mind with his truth, the purifying of the imagination by his beauty, the opening of the heart to his love, the surrender of the will to his purpose.

William Temple
