WORSHIP - Blessing

崇拜 - 祝福

Worship is to Christian living what the mainspring is to the watch.

Lawrence R. Axelson


It is only when men begin to worship that they begin to grow.

Calvin Coolidge


In our worship there should be the power of the super-natural which brings home a sense of God.

Bryan Green


By doing obeisance we are learning obedience.

Matthew Henry


Worship liberates the personality by giving a new perspective to life, by integrating life with the multitude of life-forms, by bringing into the life the virtues of humility, loyalty, devotion and rightness of attitude, thus refreshing and reviving the spirit.

Roswell C. Long


In the most lofty devotion we become unconscious of self.

Austin Phelps


There is more healing joy in five minutes of worship than there is in five nights of revelry.

A. W. Tozer


I know of no pleasure so rich, none so pure, none so hallowing in their influences and constant in their supply as those which result from the true and spiritual worship of God.

Richard Watson
