SINFUL NATURE See also:Depravity; Guilt; Man - a Sinner; Sin


we all carry about with us material that Satan can work upon.


The greatest struggles that life can know are not within the unsaved, but within the saved.

Donald Grey Barnhouse


Ourselves are the greatest snares to ourselves.

Richard Baxter


Sin in a wicked man is like poison in a serpent; it is in its natural place.

Thomas Brooks


The man without a navel still lives in me.

Thomas Brooks


The procuring cause of our misery is in ourselves.

John Calvin


Nothing leads to self-repudiation so much as spiritual meditation on the corruption and wickedness of your heart.

Walter J. Chantry


All the old primitive sins are not dead, but are crouching in the dark corners of our modern hearts.

Carl Gustav Jung


In youth, mid-age, and now after many battles, I find nothing in me but vanity and corruption.

John Knox


I more fear what is within me than what comes from without.

John Owen


Whosoever contends against indwelling sin shall know and find that it is present with them, that it is powerful in them.

John Owen


Impress the young convert from the very beginning with the conviction that God has called him into his kingdom to struggle with the corruptions of his heart.

William B. Sprague


There may be persons who can always glide along like a tramcar on rails without a solitary jerk, but I find that I have a vile nature to contend with, and spiritual life is a struggle with me.  I have to fight from day to day with inbred corruption, coldness, deadness, barrenness, and if it were not for my Lord Jesus Christ my heart would be as dry as the heart of the damned.

C. H. Spurgeon]


Our old nature is no more extinct than the devil; but God's will is that the dominion of both should be broken.

John R. W. Stott


Sins are because sin is.

A. W. Tozer


I see no fault that I might not have committed myself.

Johan Von Goethe


Original sin is a sea that will not, in this life, be dried up.

Thomas Watson


Believers are no more able now of themselves to think one good thoughts, to form one good thought, to form one good desire, to speak one good word, or to do one good work, than before they were justified.

John Wesley


Worst of all my foes, I fear the enemy within.

John Wesley
