SIN - Fact

罪惡 - 事實

Every sin is reprehensible, because the sinner is responsible.


People used to argue as to whether the world was square or round - but the Bible says it crooked!

人們慣常爭論地球是圓是方 - 聖經卻說地球是彎曲的。

We are born in sin and spend our lives coping with the consequences.


Sin is like seed - to cover it is to cultivate it.

罪就像種子 - 掩埋罪就是種植罪。

The only dreadful thing is sin.

Elisha Coles


There is in truth only one religious problem in the world - the existence of sin.  Similarly there is only one religious solution to it - the atonement.

James Denney


Christianity begins with the doctrine of sin.

Soren Kierkegaard


The alienation of man from God is a fact.  It is our business not to deny it but to end it.

William Temple


If the best man's faults were written in his forehead, it would make him pull his hat over his eyes.

John Trapp
