SEX See also: Lust

God thought of sex before man did, and when man leaves God out of his sexual thinking he is in trouble.


What would you not give to have the word 'sex' set free from every trace of fear, guilt, shame and impurity?


All healthy men, ancient and modern, Eastern and Western, know that there is a certain fury in sex that we cannot afford to inflame, and that a certain mystery and awe must ever surround it if we are to remain sane.

G. K. Chesterton


Sex without love is a dead end.

Fred Catherwood


What happens when sex is liberated is not equality but a vast intensification of sexual competition from which there is no sure haven except impotence and defeat.

George Gilder


The battle of life will probably not rise above the sex battle.

E. Stanley Jones


Sexual desire is not love.  Desire is quite compatible with personal hatred, or contempt, or indifference.

John MacMurray


God never intended that man could find the true meaning of his sexuality in any other relationship than that of the total self-giving involved in marriage.

Al Martin


Whereas the charge levelled at the Victorians was 'love without sex', today it is 'sex without love'.

David Watson


Sex involves the entire life and personality, and to misuse sex is to abuse oneself as well as one's partner.

Harold P. Wells


If sex is such a natural phenomenon, how come there are so many books on how to?

Bette Midler


Sometimes in my dreams there are women...When such dreams happen, immediately I remember, 'I am a monk.'...It is very important to analyze 'What is the real benefit of sexual desire?' The appearance of a beautiful face or a beautiful body - as many scriptures describe - no matter how beautiful, they essentially decompose into a skeleton. When we penetrate to its human flesh and bones, there is no beauty, is there? A couple in a sexual experience is happy for that moment. Then very soon trouble begins.

The Dalai Lama

有時候我會夢到女人...當那樣的夢出現時,我立刻想起「我是個和尚。」...分析「性慾的真正益處是甚麼?」實在非常重要。漂亮臉孔或者漂亮身材的外貌 - 就像許多經文描述的 - 無論多麼漂亮,終將腐爛只剩骨頭。當我們深入探究人們的軀體與骨骼,那裡根本沒有美麗,有嗎?一對男女在性經驗中獲得短暫快樂,很快的麻煩就開始了。

Everyone lies about sex, more or less, to themselves if not to others, exaggerating its importance or minimizing its pull.
