SELF-CRUCIFIXION See also:Humility; Meekness


To die to our own comforts, ambitions and plans is of the very essence of Christianity.


Life offers only two alternatives: crucifixion with Christ or self-destruction without him.


The concept of resurrection is welcomed by all, but the prior concern of self-crucifixion is a higher price than most men are willing to pay.


Kill sin before it kills you.

Richard Baxter


The cross must be borne, carried; we are not at liberty to step over it, or go round to avoid it.

Richard Baxter


The mortification of the flesh is the quickening of the spirit.

John Calvin


Taking up the cross is the conscious choice of a painful alternative motivated by love for Christ.

Walter J. Chantry


Without a cross there is no following Christ.

Walter J. Chantry


All Christians lead a dying life; it is the secret of their strange vitality.

John Cordelier


Crucifixion is something that is done to us; it is not something that we do to ourselves.  We can only initiate it by picking up the crossbar, that is, by a complete honest determination.

Arthur C. Custance


The cross is easier to him who takes it up than to him who drags it along.

J. E. Vaux


There is no other way to live this Christian life than by a continual death to self.

Francois Fenelon


No man has a velvet cross.

John Flavel


We are bid to take, not to make our cross.  God in his providence will provide one for us.

William Gurnall


God creates out of nothing.  Therefore until a man is nothing, God can make nothing out of him.

Martin Luther


Mortified Christians are the glory of Christ.

Thomas Manton


'Crucified' is the only definitive adjective by which to describe the Christian life.

J. Furman Miller


There was a day when I died to George Muller; his opinions and preference, taste and will; died to the world, its approval or censure; died to the approval or blame even of my brethren or friends; and since then I have striven only to show myself approved unto God.

George Muller


What does it means for me to be 'crucified'?  I think the answer is best summed up in the words the crowd used of Jesus: 'Away with him!'

Watchman Nee


Be killing sin or it will be killing you.

John Owen


He who ceases from mortification lets go all endeavours after holiness.

John Owen


Christ's cross is the sweetest burden that ever I bear; it is such a burden as wings are to a bird or sails to a ship.

Samuel Rutherford


Christianity has a secret unknown to communists or to die to self.  This secret makes us invincible.

W. E. Sangster


Prepare yourselves, my younger brethren, to become weaker and weaker; prepare yourselves for sinking lower and lower in self-esteem; prepare yourselves for self-annihilation - and pray God to expedite the process.

C. H. Spurgeon

我年輕的弟兄們,預備你自己變得越來越弱;預備你自己在自尊中沈得越來越深;預備你自己去摧毀自己 - 並祈求上帝一路幫助你。

To be sweet-smelling to God, we must be broken and poured out, not merely containers of a sweet smell.

C. T. Tudd


When you put your life on the altar, when you make ready and accept to die, you are invincible.  You have nothing any more to lose.

Josif Ton


Among the plastic saints of our times Jesus has to do all the dying and all we want to hear is another sermon about his dying.

A. W. Tozer
