SATAN See also:Temptation - and Satan; Hell


The devil has no difficulty in making sin look innocent.


The devil is usually good looking.


Satan promises the best, but pays with the worst; he promises honour and pays with disgrace; he promises pleasures and pays with pain; he promises profit and pays with loss; he promises life and pays with death.

Thomas Brooks


Satan is an acute theologian.

John Calvin


Satan is God's ape.

Stephen Charnock


Satan does not work haphazardly but attacks systematically.

Thomas Cosmades


If you don't believe in the devil's existence, just try to resisting him for a while.

Charles G. Finney


Our arch-enemy is to be cast into hell - and it will take only one angel to bind him!

A Lindsay Glegg

我們的大仇敵將被趕進地獄 - 那只要一個天使就能綑綁牠。

No player hath so many dresses to come in upon the stage with as the devil hath forms of temptation.

William Gurnall


Satan commonly stops the ear from hearing sound doctrine before he opens it to embrace corrupt.

William Gurnall


The devil sometimes...borrows God's bow to shoot his arrows from.

William Gurnall


Satan is not fighting churches; he is joining them.  He does more harm by sowing tares than by pulling up wheat.  He accomplishes more by imitation than by outright opposition.

Vance Havner


The devil's image complete is a complication of malice and falsehood.

Matthew Henry


No sooner is a temple built to God, but the devil builds a chapel hard by.

George Herbert


The devil makes little of sin, that he may retain the sinner.

Rowland Hill


The devil shapes himself to the fashions of all men.

William Jenkyn


As an angel of light the devil is utterly self-effacing, so that you would never think to charge him with the sudden trouble that has emerged.

R. T. Kendall


When Satan fell he may have lost his innocence but he did not lost his intelligence.

Trevor Knight


The devil is the most diligent of preachers.

Hugh Latimer


Satan's might is such that Almightiness alone exceeds.

Henry Law


It Satan dared to use Scripture for the temptation of our Lord he will not scruple to use it for the delusion of men.

Donald MacLeod


I believe Satan to exist for two reasons: first, the Bible says so; and second, I've done business with him.

D. L. Moody


Even as great an angel as Michael the archangel did not dare take on Satan alone but called on the Lord to rebuke him.  No Christian, then, should ever feel that he is wise enough or powerful enough to engage Satan apart from complete dependence on the Lord.

Charles Caldwell Ryrie


The use of a counterfeit is Satan's most natural method of resisting the purposes of God.

Stephen Slocum


Certain theologians, nowadays, do not believe in the existence of Satan.  It is singular when children do not believe in the existence of their own father.

C. H. Spurgeon


Let us learn not to fondle Satan.

Augustus H. Strong


The devil is a better theologian than any of us and is a devil still.

A. W. Tozer


There are references in the Bible to the devil's wiles and his shrewdness.  But when he gambled on his ability to unseat the Almighty he was guilty of an act of judgement so bad as to be imbecilic.

A. W. Tozer


Have the devil for your taskmaster and you will have him also for your paymaster.

John Trapp
