PREDESTINATION  See also:Election - and Conversion


The reason for the predestination of some, and reprobation of others, must be sought for in the goodness of God.

Thomas Aquinas


The predestinating love of God is commended more by those who lead holy and Christ-like lives than by those whose attempts to unravel the mystery partakes of the nature of logic-choppers.

F. F. Bruce


All objections to predestination proceed from the wisdom of the flesh.

Martin Luther


In the wounds of Christ alone is predestination found and understood.

Martin Luther


Instead of shrinking back in horror from the doctrine of predestination, the believer, when he sees this blessed truth as it is unfolded in the Word, discovers a ground for gratitude and thanksgiving such as nothing else affords, save the unspeakable gift of the Redeemer himself.

A. W. Pink


It is well to fall back every now and then upon the great truth of predestination...It should be a couch for our refreshment.

C. H. Spurgeon


The difficulties we feel with regard to predestination are not derived from the Word.  The Word is full of it, because it is full of God, and when we say God and mean God - God in all that God is - we have said Predestination.

Benjamin B. Warfield

我們對於預定論覺得作難之處並非出於聖經。聖經滿是這觀念,因為聖經充滿上帝,而當我們提到上帝並視之為上帝 - 我們就是在談預定論。

To get rid of predestination we have been willing to degrade our God into a godling.

Benjamin B. Warfield


Let a man go to the grammar school of faith and repentance before he goes to the university of election and predestination.

George Whitefield
