PREACHING and PREACHERS - Qualifications

傳道與傳道人 - 條件

Nearness to Christ, intimacy with him, assimilation to his character - these are the elements of a ministry of power.

Horatius Bonar

親近基督、與祂親密來往並效法祂的樣式 - 這些就是牧者得力的要素。

The church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men.

E. M. Bounds


The minister is to be a live man, a real man, a true man, a simple man, great in his love, great in his life, great in his work, great in his simplicity, great in his gentleness.

John Hall


A preacher should have the mind of a scholar, the heart of a child and the hide of a rhinoceros.  His biggest problem is how to toughen his hide without hardening his heart.

Vance Havner


Ministers must not be afraid of the rich.

Matthew Henry


Prayer, meditation and temptation make a minister.

Martin Luther


The fundamental qualification for teaching is learning.

Andrew McNab


A preacher should know four things - his times, his Bible, his God and himself.

Joseph Sizzoo

一個傳道人必須知道四件事 - 他的時間、他的聖經、他的上帝以及他自己。

What manner of men should ministers be?  They should thunder in preaching, and lighten in conversation.  They should be flaming in prayer, shinning in life and burning in spirit.

C. H. Spurgeon


You do not need to be eloquent, or clever, or sensational, or skilled in dialectic: you must be real.

James S. Stewart


Three things make a preacher  - reading, prayer and temptation.

John Trapp

三件事情造就出傳道人 - 閱讀、禱告及試探。

Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on earth.

John Wesley


When I believe to be absolutely necessary for a guide of souls is a faith unfeigned, the love of God and our neightbour, a burning zeal for the advancement of Christ's kingdom, with a heart and life wholly devoted to God.

John Wesley
