PREACHING and PREACHERS - the Preacher's Life

傳道與傳道人 - 傳道人的生活

Accuracy in exegesis is no substitute for reality in experience.


We must study as hard how to live well as how to preach well.

Richard Baxter


Study universal holiness of life.  Your whole usefulness depends on this.  Your sermons last but an hour or two; your life preachers all the week.

E. M. Bounds


How easy is pen-and-paper piety!  I will not say it costs nothing; but it is far cheaper to work one's head than one's heart to goodness.  I can write a hundred meditation sooner than subdue the least sin in my soul.

Thomas Fuller


The ministry will not grace the man; the man may disgrace the ministry.

Joseph Hall


A man might cast a devil out of others and yet have a devil, may be a devil himself.

Matthew Henry


The life of a pious minister is visible rhetoric.

Richard Hooker


An office-bearer who wants something other than to obey his King is unfit to bear his office.

Abraham Kuyper


The man who preaches the cross must be a crucified man.

G. Campbell Morgan


A prepared messenger is more important than a prepared message.

Robert Munger


We do not deal in unfelt truths, but we find ourselves the solid consolation in the gospel which we encourage others to expect from it.

John Newton


If a man teach uprightly and walk crookedly, more will fall down in the night of his life than he built in the day of his doctrine.

John Owen


A man may be a false prophet and yet speak the truth.

Richard Sibbes


What a dreadful thing it would be for me if I should be ignorant of the power of the truth which I am preparing to proclaiming.

John Wesley


Our ministry is as our heart is.  No man rises much above the level of his own habitual godliness.

Thomas Wilson


It takes a lifetime to prepare a sermon because it takes a lifetime to prepare a man of God.

Arthur Skevington Wood
