PREACHING and PREACHERS - Glory of Preaching

傳道與傳道人 - 榮耀

Effective preaching is the dynamic release of a divine word that has gripped the heart and mind of the preacher.


Every time the gospel is preached it is as if God himself came in person solemnly to summon us.

John Calvin


Preaching is the public exposition of Scripture by the man sent from God, in which God himself is present in judgement and in grace.

John Calvin


The gift of the ministry is the fruit of Christ's ascension.

Matthew Henry


To me, the work of preaching is the highest and the greatest and the most glorious calling to which anyone can be called.

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones


The highest worship of God is the preaching of the Word; because thereby are praised and celebrated the name and the benefits of Christ.

Martin Luther


Preaching is a manifestation of the incarnate Word, from the written Word, by the spoken word.

Bernard Manning


A holy minister is an awful weapon in the hand of God.

Robert Murray M'Cheyne


The Christian ministry is the worst of all treads, but the best of all professions.

John Newton


If there be a place under heaven more holy than another, it is the pulpit whence the gospel is preached.

C. H. Spurgeon


There is more to the ministry than being able to talk.

A. W. Tozer


If we are God's man for the job we should never make apologies for ourselves or for our preaching.

Humphrey Vellacott
