PREACHING and PREACHERS - Divine Calling

傳道與傳道人 - 呼召

None is a Christian minister who has not been ordained by the laying on unseen hands.

Richard Glover


A man cannot really preach until preach he must.  If he can do something else, he probably should!

Vance Havner


Ministers can never fill the people's hearts unless Christ first full their hands.

Matthew Henry


A man should only enter the Christian ministry if he cannot stay out of it.

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones


None but he who made the world can make a minister.

John Newton


The essence of the minister lies in what God has created him to be rather than in what the church authorized him to be.

John Stacey


I cannot recall, in any of my reading, a single instance of a prophet who applied for the job.

A. W. Tozer


An ignorant minister is none of God's making, for God gives gifts where he gives a calling.

Henry Wilkinson


He who stations the stars has the disposal of his minister.

Cornelius Winter
