PRAYER - a Gift

禱告 - 恩賜

The nature of divine goodness is not only to open to those who knock, but also to cause them to knock and ask.



To pray rightly is rare gift.

John Calvin


If you love God, you cannot be at a loss for something to say to him, something for your hearts to pour out before him, which his grace has already put there.

Matthew Henry


When God intends great mercy for his people, the first thing he does is set them a-praying.

Matthew Henry


Prayer comes from God and ... all the time God is training us to pray.

Iain H. Murray


True prayers are like those carrier pigeons which find their way so well; they cannot fail to go to heaven, for it is from heaven that they came; they are only going home.

C. H. Spurgeon


The greatest and best talent that God gives to any man or woman in the world is the talent of prayer.

Alexander Whyte
