MATERIALISM See also: luxury; possessions; prosperity; riches; wealth


A man caught up with this world is not ready for the next one.  Materialism is no preparation for judgement or for heaven.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon


In the world in which we live today it takes a miracle for a man not to be a materialist.

Albert Camus


Materialism is every bit as dangerous as modernism.

Malcolm Muggeridge


Build your nest in no tree here...for the Lord of the forest has condemned the whole woods to be demolished.

Samuel Rutherford


Death is final mockery of materialism.  We brought nothing into this world and it certain we can carry nothing out.  If a man has lived to accumulate good, how indescribably tragic his dying!

Herbert M. Carson


May God pity a nation whose factory chimneys rise higher than her church steeples.

John Kelman


There is not a vice which more effectually contrasts and deadens the feelings, which more completely makes a man's affections centre in himself and excludes all others from partaking in them, than the desire of accumulating possessions.

Thomas Merton


No oriental monarch ever rules his cowering subjects with any more cruel tyranny than things, visible things, audible things, tangible things, rule mankind.

A. W. Tozer
