MAN - a Paradox

人 - 弔詭

Man is harder than rock, and more fragile than an egg.

Yugoslavian Proverb


I have become a puzzle to myself.



Although modern man zestfully explores outer space, he seems quite content to live in a spiritual kindergarten and play in a moral wilderness.

Carl F. H. Henry


Man is an enigma to himself.

Carl Gustav Jung


Man's conquest of nature has been astonishing.   His failure to conquer human nature has been tragic.

Julius Mark


All the evidence of history suggests that man is indeed a rational animal, but with a nearly infinite capacity for folly...He draws blueprints for Utopia but never quite gets it built.

Robert McNamara


What a chimera, then, is man!  What a novelty!   What a chaos, what a contradiction, what a prodigy!  Judge of all things, imbecile worm of the earth; depository of truth; a sink of uncertainly and error; the pride and refuse of the universe.

Blaise Pascal


Man is a peculiar, puzzling paradox, groping for God and hoping to hide from him at the selfsame time.

William A. Ward
