MAN - God's Creation and Concern

人 - 上帝的創造與眷顧

His creation by God is man's only claim to dignity, importance or value.

Cornelius Van Til


God made man to be somebody - not just to have things.

John Piper

上帝創造人成為重要的人物 - 而不是只添個東西而已。

The yearning of man's heart is homesickness for God.

Karl Barth


The most profound essence of my nature is that I am capable of receiving God.



Man without God ceases to be a man.

Nicolas Berdyaev


It is only an infinite God, and an infinite good, that can fill and satisfy the precious and immortal soul of man.

Thomas Brooks


A circle cannot fill a triangle; no more can the whole world fill the heart of man.

Thomas Brooks


Jesus Christ never met an unimportant person.  That is why God sent his Son to die for us.  If someone dies for you, you must be important.

M. C. Cleveland


In God's sight there are two men - Adam and Jesus Christ - and these two men have all other men hanging at their girdle strings.

Thomas Goodwin

在上帝的眼中有兩個人 - 亞當與耶穌 - 而其他的人就攀附在兩者的腰帶上。

Because he is made in the image of God, man is inviolable.

Os Guinness


If God is God and man is made in his image, then each man is significant.

Os Guinness


Historic Christianity sees man as distinct, but not divorced, from nature.

Os Guinness


Man still stands in the image of God - twisted, broken, abnormal, but still the image-bearer of God.

Francis Schaeffer

人們仍然處於上帝的形象 - 縱使扭曲、破碎、變得不正常,仍然是上帝形象的背負者。

Because we are the handiwork of God it follows that all our problems and their solutions are theological.

A. W. Tozer


The man who denies that fallen man bears upon him something of the ruined relic of what he once was is no true friend of the Bible.

A. W. Tozer
