LOVE for OTHER - contrasted with lust  See also: lust

愛別人 - 與貪戀的比較

The world is littered with the debris of what eros has promised but been unable to provide.

Jill Briscoe


Love can wait to give; it is lust that can't wait to get.

Jose McDowell


Love is not blind.  Lust is blind.  If love is blind, God is blind.

Gordon Palmer


It is difference betwixt lust and love, that this is fixed, that volatile.  Love grows, lust wastes, by enjoyment; and the reason is that one springs from a union of souls, and the other springs from a union of sense.

William Penn


The expression 'free love' is a contradiction in terms.  If it's free, it's not love; if it's love, it's not free.

David Watson
