JESUS CHRIST - Uniqueness

耶穌基督 - 獨特

Jesus was not the first Christian; he was and is the Christ.

Herman Bavinck


Between Jesus and whomsoever else in the world there is no possible comparison.

Napoleon Bonaparte


The is more of power to sanctify, elevate, strengthen and cheer in the word Jesus (Jehovah - Saviour) than in all the utterances of man since the world began.

Charles Hodge

耶穌(耶和華 - 救主)這個字帶來使人聖潔、提升、得力及喜樂的能力遠超過創世以來一切人們說出的話語。

In his life Christ is an example showing us how to live; in his death, he is a sacrifice satisfying for our sins; in his resurrection, a conqueror; in his ascension, a king; in his intercession, a high priest.

Martin Luther


Jesus Christ cannot be adequately understood in terms of any category applicable to man...He is a category by himself.

Donald MacLeod


Jesus was the greatest religious genius that ever lived.  His beauty is eternal and his reign will never end.  He is in every respect unique and nothing can be compared with him.

Ernest Renan


He is not the Great - he is the Only!

Carnegie Simpson

祂不是偉人之一 - 祂是獨一無二的!

Christ is the most unique person in history.  No man can write a history of the human race without giving first and foremost place to the penniless teacher of Nazareth.

H. G. Wells
