JESUS CHRIST - Death See also: Atonement; Cross; Forgiveness by God

耶穌基督 - 受死

Jesus is not a substitute for the symptoms - he is the cure for the cause.


Christ's blood is heaven's key.

Thomas Brooks


There is no tribunal so magnificent, no throne so stately, no show of triumph so distinguished, no chariot so elevated, as is the gibbet on which Christ hath subdued death and the devil.

John Calvin


The doctrine of the death of Christ is the substance of the gospel.

Stephen Charnock


Though God loved Christ as a Son he frowned upon him as a Surety.

Matthew Henry


The cross is the key.   If I lose this key I fumble.  The universe will not open to me.  But with the key in my hand I know its secret.

E. Stanley Jones


The dying of the Lord Jesus rescues us from eternal death, whilst the doing of the Lord Jesus obtains for us eternal life.

J. M. Killen


The whole world in comparison with the cross of Christ is one grand impertinence.

Robert Leighton


One drop of Christ's blood is worth more than heaven and earth.

Martin Luther


The wounds of Christ were the greatest outlets of his glory that ever were.  The divine glory shone more out of his wounds than out of all his life before.

Robert Murray M'Cheyne


If I would appreciate the blood of Christ I must accept God's valuation of it, for the blood is not primarily for me but for God.

Watchman Nee


The precious Lamb of God gave up his precious fleece for us.

Christopher Nesse


He suffered not as God, but he who suffered was God.

John Owen


The death of Christ was the most dreadful blow ever given to the empire of darkness.

William S. Plumer


Death stung himself to death when he stung Christ.

William Romaine


If we would live aright it must be by the contemplation of Christ's death.

C. H. Spurgeon


He himself was forsaken that none of his children might ever need to utter his cry of loneliness.

J. H. Vincent


Who delivered up Jesus to die?  Not Judas, for money; not Pilate, for fear'; not the Jews, for envy; but the Father, for love.

Octavius Winslow
