

The strange thing is that while on the one hand man cries for help in his desperate sickness, on the other hand he refuses to consider even the possibility of a panacea beyond the range of his ability.

Akbar Abdul-Haqq


Christians need to recognize the solemn fact that humanism is not an ally in making the world a better place in which to live.  It is a deadly enemy, for it is a religion without God and without hope in this world or the next.

L. Nelson Bell


Human doctrines have no humbling power in them.

Thomas Brooks


Humanism cannot, in any fair sense, apply to one who still believes in God.

Paul Kurtz


The humanist counselor cannot give the assurance of sin forgiven, guilt assuaged, life beyond death, a loving God, or a caring Jesus.

Gerald Larue


So long as we cling to the idea that we live in a closed-world system, the most we can do is to adjust and rearrange existing forces.

J. B. Phillips


Humanism is not wrong in its cry for sociological healing, but humanism is not producing it.

Francis Schaeffer
