HOLY SPIRIT See also: Godhead


A Christian may not always be conscious of the Holy Spirit's presence, but he would not even be a Christian in his absence.


It is the Spirit's ministry to bring the sinner to the Saviour and to make the sinner like the Saviour.


No one may ask a believer whether he has been baptized with the Spirit.  The very fact that a man is in the body of Christ demonstrates that he has been baptized with the Spirit, for there is no other way of entering the body.

Donald Grey Barnhouse


To be filled with the Spirit is to have the Spirit fulfilling in us all that God intended him to do when he placed him there.

Lewis Spertry Chafer


A great part of your prayer work should be imploring the Almighty for a great measure of his Spirit.

Walter Chantry


The fruit of the Spirit is not excitement or orthodoxy; it is character.

G. B. Duncan


The Christian's birthright is the power of the Holy Ghost.

Lionel Fletcher


We may take it as a rule of the Christian life that the more we are filled with the Holy Spirit, the more we shall glorify the Lord Jesus.

Frank Gabelein


Before Pentecost the disciples found it hard to do easy things; after Pentecost they found it easy to do hard things.

A. J. Gordon


The Holy Spirit is the heavenly Lover's engagement ring given to us.

Michael Green


All the Holy Spirit's influences are heaven begun, glory in the seed and bud.

Matthew Henry


If it were possible to put the Holy Spirit into a textbook of pharmacology I would put him under the stimulants, for that is where he belongs.

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones


Proper understanding of the Scriptures comes only through the Holy Spirit.

Martin Luther


He who has the Holy Spirit in his heart and the Scripture is his hands has all he needs.

Alexander MacLaren


There is not a better evangelist in the world than the Holy Spirit.

Oscar Levant (1906 - 1972)


If the Holy Spirit guides us at all, he will do it according to the Scriptures, and never contrary to them.

George Muller


As all the Word of God is given by the Spirit of God, so each word must be interpreted to us by that same Spirit.

Andrew Murray


Before Christ sent the church into the world, he sent the Spirit into the church.  The same order must be observed today.

John R. W. Stott


Without the Spirit of God we can do nothing but add sin to sin.

John Wesley


The Holy Spirit loves so to arrange men's circumstances that they are brought within the sphere of God's influence.

Maurice A. P. Wood
