HOLINESS - and Justification

聖潔 - 與稱義

Any attempt to make justification dependent upon sanctification is to rob grace of its freeness and to add works to saving grace.

Donald Grey Barnhouse


Justification and sanctification are inseparable companions; distinguished they must be, but divided they can never be.

Thomas Brook


Any man who thinks that he is a Christian, and that he has accepted Christ for justification, when he did not at the same time accept him for sanctification, is miserably deluded in that very experience.

A. A. Hodge


We must first be made good before we can do good; we must first be made just before our works can please God - for when we are justified by faith in Christ, then come good works.

Huge Latimer

我們必須成為良善才能做良善的事;我們必須先被稱為義才能討上帝喜悅 - 因為當我們在基督裡因信稱義時,善工隨行而到。

If Christ justifies you he will sanctify you!   He will not save you and leave you in your sins.

Robert Murray M'Cheyne


Justification and sanctification are distinguishable but not separable.

William S. Plumer


I fear it is sometimes forgotten that God has married together justification and sanctification.

J. C. Ryle


In the court of justification merits are nothing worth, insufficient; but in the court of sanctification...they are jewels and ornaments.

Richard Sibbes


Sanctification is so involved in justification that the justification can never be real unless it be followed by sanctification.

Benjamin B. Warfield


If God should justify a people and not sanctify them, he would justify a people whom he could not glorify.

Thomas Watson
