HOLINESS - Importance

聖潔 - 重要

An unholy Christian is a contradiction of everything the Bible teaches.


Christ comes with a blessing in each hand - forgiveness in one and holiness in the other; and never give either to any who will not take both.

基督雙手帶著祝福來到 - 一邊是赦免另一邊是聖潔;祂不會只將一個給不接受兩邊祝福的人。

Holiness is to be touchstone of the Christian life.

Donald Grey Barnhouse


Regeneration is the fountain; sanctification is the river.

J. Sidlow Baxter


Prayer and holy life are one.  They mutually act and react.  Neither can survive alone.  The absence of the one is the absence of the other.

E. M. Bounds


The destined end of man is not happiness, nor health, but holiness.  God's one aim is the production of saints.

Oswald Chambers


'Be ye holy' is the great and fundamental law of our religion.

Matthew Henry


Holiness is necessary to present peace and future glory.

William Jay


Christianity is a universal holiness in every part of life.

William Law


'Holiness' is the most intimately divine word the Bible possesses.

J. A. Motyer


Nothing can set aside the evidence of a holy life.   It is better than a revelation from heaven.

William S. Plumer


It is better to be innocent than penitent.

William Secker


The serene, silent beauty of  holy life is the most powerful influence in the world, next to the might of the Spirit of God.

C. H. Spurgeon


Heaven must be in thee before thou canst be in heaven.

George Swinnock


The important point is where you are today in terms of holiness.

George Verwer
