HOLINESS - God's Work

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Holiness is to be measured not in terms of man's ecstasy but of God's energy.


He who gave his image to us must of necessity wish to see his images in us.


I am one of those who do not think that the beauty of holiness consists in beauty but rather in holiness, in that holiness which is God and which comes from God and in which alone there is strength to live and work and pray.

John R. De Witt


So in love is Christ with holiness that he will buy it with his blood for us.

John Flavel


God loves purity so well that he had rather see a hole than a spot in his child's garments.

William Gurnall


God saved us to make us holy, not happy.  Some experiences may not contribute to our happiness, but all can be made to contribute to our holiness.

Vance Havner


God useth many a moving persuasion to draw us to holiness, not a hint to encourage us to sin.

Thomas Manton


I often pray, 'Lord make me as holy as a pardoned sinner can be.'

Robert Murray M'Cheyne


God works in us and with us, not against us or without us.

Augustus H. Strong


There is no way that we by ourselves can generate sanctification.  Our sanctification is Christ.  There is no way we can be good.  Our goodness is Christ.  There is no way we can be holy.   Our holiness is Christ.

Robert Murray M'Cheyne


Holiness is not only commanded by God's law, but it is made available to men by his grace.

Augustus H. Strong


The greatest miracle that God can do today is to take an unholy man out of an unholy world, and make that man holy and put him back into that unholy world and keep him holy in it.

Leonard Ravenhill


Holiness is not the way to Christ; Christ is the way to holiness.

Adrian Rogers


Holiness is not the laborious acquisition of virtue from without, but the expression of the Christ-life from within.

J. W. C. Wand
