HELL See also: Eternity; judgement; Satan


All the roads that lead to hell are one-way streets.


Those who demand nothing more than a God of justice get precisely what they ask; the Bible calls it hell.


Hell is truth seen too late.

H. G. Adams


Each man's sin is the instrument of his punishment, and his iniquity is turned into his torment.

Henry Ward Beecher


Could every damned sinner weep a whole ocean, yet all those oceans together would never extinguish one spark of eternal fire.

Thomas Brooks


The damned shall live as long in hell as God himself shall live in heaven.

Thomas Brooks


The wicked have the seeds of hell in their own heart.

John Calvin


If there is no belief in hell the concept of judgement also becomes meaningless; and then all that is left of Christianity is a system of ethics.

Geoffrey Gorer


Christ needs take no other revenge on a soul for refusing him...than to condemn such a one to have its own desire.

William Gurnall


A man who realizes in any measure the awful force of the words eternal hell won't shout about it, but will speak with all tenderness.

A. A. Hodge


There are no personal relationship in hell.

C. S. Lewis


The lost will eternally suffer in the satisfaction of justice, but they will never satisfy it.

John Murray


The second death is the continuance of spiritual death in another and timeless existence.

E. G. Robinson


There are two ways of going to hell; one is to walk into it with your eyes open...the other is to go down by the steps of little sins.

J. C. Ryle


Suffering that is penal can never come to an end, because guilt is the reason for its infliction, and guilt once incurred never ceases to be ...One sin makes guilt, and guilt makes hell.

Oscar Levant (1906 - 1972)


If you in any way abate the doctrine of hell it will abate your zeal.

R. A. Torrey
