HEAVEN - Perfection

天堂 - 完全

There are no furrowed brows in heaven.


There are no regrets in heaven, no remorseful tears, no second thoughts, no lost causes.


Heaven begins where sin ends.

Thomas Adams


Heaven would be a very hell to an unholy person.

Thomas Brooks


In the streets of that new Jerusalem above, none shall ever complain that others have too much or that themselves have too little.

Thomas Brooks


There is no misbelief in heaven.

Andrew Gray


If an unholy man were to get to heaven he would feel like a hog in a flower garden.

Rowland Hill


If you're not allowed to laugh in heaven, I don't want to go there.

Martin Luther


It will be one of the felicities of heaven that saints shall no longer misunderstand each other.

Isaac Milner


Christ and his cross are not separable in this life; howbeit, they part at heaven's door.  There is no storage place for crosses in heaven.

Samuel Rutherford


When an eagle is happy in an iron cage, when a sheep is happy in water, when an owl is happy in the blaze of the noonday sun, when a fish is happy on dry land - then, and not till then, will I admit that the unsanctified man could be happy in heaven.

J. C. Ryle

當老鷹能在鐵籠裡覺得快樂,綿羊樂在水中,貓頭鷹樂在正午炙熱的陽光,魚兒樂在乾涸之地 - 那我就會承認不聖潔的人會樂在天堂。

If a thief should get into heaven unchanged, he would begin by picking the Angeles' pockets.

C. H. Spurgeon
