GOD - Purposes

上帝 - 目的

God's purposes always have God's provision.


God is in control of every atom in his universe, and even those things which seem a direct contradiction of his love will one day be seen to be a dynamic confirmation of his power.


God knows what he is doing and he is not under any obligation to make us any explanation.

Elisabeth Elliot


God never needs to change his counsels.

Matthew Henry


The purposes of God are his concealed promises; the promises - his revealed purposes!

Philip Henry

上帝的目的是祂隱藏的應許;這應許 - 是祂已經彰顯的目的。

The whole world is ordered and arranged to match and meet the needs of the people of God.

J. A. Motyer


All the events that take place in the world carry on the same work - the glory of the Father and the salvation of his children.

Daniel Rowlands

世間發生一切事件都為了促成同一件事情 - 天父的榮耀以及祂子民的救贖。

God watches and weeds us, and continues his labour upon us, till he brings us to the end of his promise.

Richard Sibbes


What God does, he always purposed to do.

Augustus H. Strong
