GOD - Love

上帝 - 慈愛

God loved us when there was nothing good to be seen in us and nothing good to be said for us.


God loves each one of his people as if there was only one of them to love.


God's love is not lazy good nature, as a great many think it to be and so drag it in the mud; it is rigidly righteous, and therefore Christ died.

Donald Grey Barnhouse


Our great matters are little to God's infinite power, and our little matters are great to his Father love.

Donald Grey Barnhouse


God loves to smile most upon his people when the world frowns most.

Thomas Brooks


The only ground of God's love is his love.

Thomas Brooks


God would not be holy if he were not love, and could not be love if he were not holy.

William Newton Clarke


God's love is always supernatural, always a miracle, always the last thing we deserve.

Robert Horn


There is no human wreckage, lying in the ooze of the deepest sea of iniquity, that God's deep love cannot reach and redeem.

John Henry Jowett


Divine love, unlike human love, is not dependent on its object.

R. B. Kuiper


God is love, and law is the way he loves us.   But it is also true that God is law, and love is the way he rules us.

G. S. Lee


God's love is not drawn out by our lovableness, but wells up, like an artesian spring, from the depths of his nature.

Alexander MacLaren


It is the love of God that makes him the sworn enemy of sin.

G. Campbell Morgan


The love of God does not measure you by eyesight.

Frederick Sampson


There are no changes in Jehovah's love, though there may be changes in the ways of showing it.

C. H. Spurgeon


God chose us for his love, and now loves us for his choice.

John Trapp
