GIVING See also: Charity; Generosity; Kindness; Tithing


You money can make you an overseas missionary without ever leaving your home town, an evangelist without ever mounting a platform, a broadcaster without ever entering a studio, a Bible teacher without ever writing a book.


If you don't give away anything God wants you to give, you don't own it - it owns you.

如果你未能將上帝要你給的分送出去,那你就未擁有它們 - 而是它們擁有你。

Let us give according to our incomes lest God make our incomes match our gifts.


Give to all, lest the one you pass over should be Christ himself.



In this world it is not what we take up but what we give up that makes us rich.

Henry Ward Beecher


It is possible to give without loving, but it is impossible to love without giving.

Richard Braunstein


From what curses and degradations should we be delivered if Christian people gave as the Scriptures direct!

Samuel Chadwick


What we spend in piety and charity is not tribute paid to a tyrant, but the response of gratitude to our Redeemer.

James Denney


Labour hard, consume little, give much - and all to Christ.

Anthony Norris Groves

努力工作,少許開銷,多點給予 - 全部都歸基督。

We make a living by what we get.  We make a life by what we give.

Duane Hulse


If we would have God open his treasury, we must open ours.

Thomas V. Moore


We ask how much a man gives; Christ asks how much he keeps.

Andrew Murray


When we have given God all we have and are, we have simply given him his own.

William S. Plumer


There are three kinds of giving: grudge giving, duty giving and thanksgiving.  Grudge giving says, 'I have to'; duty giving says, 'I ought to'; thanksgiving says, 'I want to'.

Robert Rodenmayer


The only way to have more than enough to spare is to give God more than you can spare.

Oswald J. Smith


Many a man becomes empty-handed because he does not know the art of distribution.

C. H. Spurgeon


If I leave more than 10 pounds, you and all mankind bear witness that I lived and died a thief and a robber.

John Wesley
