FORGIVENESS by GOD See also: Atonement; Cross; Jesus Christ - Death


God has never promised to forgive a single sin that man is not willing to forsake.


What man uncovers, God will cover; what man covers, God will uncover.


Sins are so remitted as if they had never been committed.

Thomas Adams


I will not glory because I am righteous but because I am redeemed; not because I am clear of sin, but because my sins are forgiven.

Alan Redpath


Christ comes with a blessing in each hand - forgiveness in one and holiness in the other; and never gives either to any who will not take both.

基督帶著賜福的雙手來臨 - 一隻手是赦免,另一隻手是聖潔;這兩項賜福不給只要單獨一項的人。

Sin forsaken is the best evidence of sin forgiven.


It is shallow nonsense to say God forgives us because he is love.  The only ground upon which God can forgive us is the cross.

Oswald Chambers


The cross is the cost of my forgiveness.


In these days of guilt complexes, perhaps the most glorious word in the English language is 'forgiveness'.

Billy Graham


When is your life more fragrant than when the kiss of forgiveness is most fresh upon your cheek?

Al Martin


Nothing will make you want to give up sinning more than knowing that Christ has actually taken and remitted all your sin, past, present and future.

John Metcalfe


God never forgives sin without at the same time changing the nature of the sinner.

Iain H. Murray
