FAMILY LIFE - A Test of Character

家庭生活 - 品格考驗

A Christian should so live that he would not be afraid to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.


Holiness begins at home and sanctification at the sink.

W. F. Batt


A severe test of a man's essential nature is how he appears to the members of his own family.

Maldwyn Edwards


Can he be a good Christian that spends all his religion abroad and leaves none for his nearest relations at home...?

William Gurnall


It is the mark of a hypocrite to be a Christian everywhere except at home.

Robert Murray M'Cheyne


No service for God is of any value which is contradicted by the life at home.

G. Campbell Morgan


A man is no right to stand and preach if his home is not in alignment with the Word of God.

Stephen Olford


if we serve the church or serve the Lord at the expense of our duty to our loved ones and the responsibilities of our home, there is something wrong with the balance of our Christian lives.

Alan Redpath


The best test of a sanctified man is to ask his family about him.

C. T. Studd


Home is a mighty test of character.  What you are at home you are everywhere, whether you demonstrate it or not.

Thomas Dewitt Talmadge
