FAITH - Saving See also: Conversion; Regeneration; Repentance


Saving faith is not consent to a proposition, but commitment to a person.


Saving faith is grasping God with the heart.


Faith wraps itself in the righteousness of Christ.

Thomas Brooks


Saving faith is not offered to man by God; it is conferred upon him.

Arthur C. Custance


Saving faith is not the human contribution of a sinner seeking salvation, but the divine contribution of the gracious God seeking a sinner.

Arthur C. Custance


The very act of faith by which we receive Christ is an act of utter renunciation of self and all its works, as a ground of salvation.

Matthew Henry


Before faith and obedience become acts of man they are gifts of God.

R. B. Kuiper


We cannot force ourselves to have faith.  We are as much in need of this as everything.  Faith can only originate in the soul of man by the gift of God.

Marcus Loane


We must not close with Christ because we feel him, but because God has said it, and we must take God's word even in the dark.

Robert Murray M'Cheyne


In the Bible, faith...involves both credence and commitment.

J. I. Packer


Saving faith is the hand of the soul...the eye of soul...the mouth of the soul...the foot of the soul.

J. C. Ryle


It requires not only a power, but an almighty power, to raise the heart of man to believe.

Richard Sibbes


No man's salvation depends on his believing that he believes; but it does depend on his seeing and receiving Jesus Christ as his Saviour.

M. R. Vincent
