EVANGELISM - Spontaneity

佈道 - 自動自發

The great need in the church is for a spirit of evangelism, not just a spurt of evangelism.


When our hearts are filled with Christ's presence, evangelism is as inevitable as it is contagious.

Robert E. Coleman


Evangelism should be an attitude permeating all the activities of the Christian.

Bryan Green


Evangelism never seemed to be an 'issue' in the New Testament.  That is to say, one does not find the apostles urging, exhorting, scolding, planning and organizing for evangelistic programmes...Evangelism happened!  Issuing effortlessly from the community of believers as light from the sun, it was automatic, spontaneous, continuous, contagious.

Richard C. Halverson


Evangelism for the early Christians was not something they isolated from other aspects of Christian living in order to specialize, analyse, theorize and organize.  They just did it!

Roy Joslin
