EVANGELISM - Responsibility for   See also: witness; Soul-winning

佈道 - 責任

No church is obedient that is not evangelistic.


To refuse to evangelize is as sinful as to commit adultery or murder.


Evangelism in the New Testament sense is the vocation of every believer and there is therefore something radically wrong when we imply that province of those who have the time and/or inclination to take special courses and learn special techniques.

Roland Allen


In making a person a Christian, God takes a burden off the heart and places another on the shoulders.


No church has the right to send out missionaries.   God alone sends missionaries.  The church's part is simply to release them as soon as God's plan is revealed.

Derek Bigg


Evangelism is the perpetual task of the whole church, and not the peculiar hobby of certain of its members.

E. Wilson Carlisle


The church that ceases to be evangelistic will soon cease to be evangelical.

Alexander Duff


Evangelism is the disinterested interest of the comparative few.

James Denny


We are to evangelize not because it is pleasant, not because it is easy, not because we may be successful, but because Christ has called us.   He is our Lord.  We have no other choice but to obey him.

Leighton Ford


The Word of God is not just for domestic consumption; it is also for export.

William Freel


No Christian is outside our Lord's last command.

A. W. Goodwin Hudson


Christian mission is the only reason for our being on earth.

Andrew Murray


Vision is not enough, or even resolution; it is action that is required in the work of evangelism.

W. T. H. Richards


Every age is an age for evangelism.  God has no grandchildren.

Eugene L. Smith


In the last resort, we engage in evangelism today not because we want to or because we choose to or because we like to, but because we have been told to.

John R. W. Stott


Evangelism is always dangerous, though it is not so dangerous as the lack of evangelism.

George Sweazey
