ETERNAL LIFE   See also:Heaven - The Christian's Eternal Home


Everlasting life is a jewel of too great a value to be purchased by the wealth of this world.

Matthew Henry


Eternal life does not begin with death; it begins with faith.

Samuel Shoemaker


All who die in faith are firmly grasped by Christ's love, and will not be conscious of any passage of time until the moment when Christ returns - any more than we are conscious of time passing between out going to sleep and waking up in the morning.

Stephen Travis

那些在信心中死去的人穩穩的被上帝的愛抱住,並且全然不覺時光的流逝直到基督在臨的時候 - 這正如睡覺的人一樣,只記得入睡前及清晨醒來後的事情。