
It is certainly true that our faith is not to be based on our feelings - but equally true that if our faith is not accompanied by feelings it is suspect.

無庸質疑的,我們的信心不是根基在我們的感情 - 可是,相同的道理,如果我們的信心不伴隨著感情,那樣的信心值得懷疑。

If you resolve to make sense and feeling the judge of your conditions, you must resolve to live in fears and lie down in tears.

Thomas Brooks


When Christ comes in, the wonder is not that one has emotion, but the wonder is that one can be so restrained.

E. Stanley Jones


Emotion arises out of the truth; emotionalism is poured on to it.

W. R. Maltby


The man who screams at a football game, but is distressed when he hears of a sinner weeping at the cross, and murmurs about the dangers of emotionalism, hardly merits intelligent respect.

W. E. Sangster


When you are not physically starving, you have the luxury to realize psychic and emotional starvation.

Cherrie Moraga


Never feel self-pity, the most destructive emotion there is. How awful to be caught up in the terrible squirrel cage of self.

Millicent Fenwick


Cherish your own emotions and never undervalue them.

Robert Henri
