
It costs to follow Jesus Christ, but it costs more not to.


Salvation without discipleship is 'cheap grace'.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer


To leave all and follow Christ is the biggest thing that a living soul on this earth can do.

A. Lindsay Glegg


Jesus promised his disciples three things - that they would be completely fearless, absurdly happy and in constant trouble.

F. R. Maltby

耶穌應許祂的門徒三件事情 - 完全的無畏、不合邏輯的喜樂以及持續不斷的困難。

A disciple is a person who learns to live the life his teacher lives.

Juan Carlos Ortiz


Discipleship is more than getting to know what the teacher knows.  It is getting to be what he is.

Juan Carlos Ortiz


The making of a disciple means the creating of a duplicate.

Juan Carlos Ortiz


The new Christian is like a man who has learned to drive in a country where the traffic moves on the left side of the highway and suddenly finds himself in another country and forced to drive on the right.   He must learn a new one and, more serious than all, he must learn in heavy traffic.

A. W. Tozer
