CONVERSION See also: Faith-Saving; Regeneration; Repentance


Conversion is a deep work - a heart-work.  It goes throughout the man, throughout the mind, throughout the members, throughout the entire life,

Joseph Alleine


Nature forms us; sin deforms us; school informs us; Christ transforms us.

自然組成我、罪惡毀了我、學校教育我、基督卻使我得著改變。(這句話一旦翻成中文,英文原有韻味盡失,反正這四個英文字也不難,您還是使用英文的form, deform, inform and transform吧。)

I remember this, that every-thing looked new to me...the fields, the cattle, the trees.  I was like a new man in a new world.

Billy Bray


Conversion is not the smooth, easy-going process some men seem to think it, otherwise man's heart would never have been compared to fallow ground and God's Word to a plough.

John Bunyan


Regeneration is a spiritual change; conversion is a spiritual motion.

Stephen Charnock


Conversion is but the first step in the divine life.  As long as we live we should more and more be turning from all that is evil and to all that is good.

Tryon Edwards


Consideration is the first step towards conversion.

Matthew Henry


If no conversion, no salvation.

Matthew Henry


Regeneration is a single act, complete in itself, and never repeated; conversion, as the beginning of holy living, is the commencement of series, constant, endless and progressive.

A. A. Hodge


The almighty power of God in the conversion of a sinner is the most mysterious of all the works of God.

Thomas Hooker


I found that I was not only converted, but I was invaded.

Eugenia Price


True conversion gives a man security, but it does not allow him to leave off being watchful.

C. H. Spurgeon


True conversion gives a man strength and holiness, but it never let him boast.

C. H. Spurgeon


When the Word of God converts a man, it takes away from him his despair, but it does not take from him his repentance.

C. H. Spurgeon
