COMMUNION WITH GOD  See also: Love for Christ; Meditation; Prayer


if you are a failure in your devotional life, you are a phoney in every other part.


God finds pleasure in us when we find pleasure in him.



Communion with God is the beginning of heaven.

William Bates


I have more to do with God than with all the world; yea, more and greater business with him in one day than with all the world in all my life.

Richard Baxter


Look into the Fountain, and the very looking will make you thirsty.

Andrew Bonar


No man who lives near to God lives in vain.

Haratius Bonar


To be little with God is to be little for God.

E. M. Bounds


A Christian may have as choice communion with God when his eyes are full of tears as he can have when his heart is full of joy.

Haratius Bonar


Access to God lies open to none but his pure worshippers.

John Calvin


I can afford to lose everything except the touch of God on my life.

Willard Cantelon


Fellowship with God means warfare with the world.

Charles E. Fuller


Adequate time for daily waiting on the only way I can escape the tyranny of the urgent.

Charles Hummel


If we spend sixteen hours a day dealing with tangible things and only five minutes a day with God, is it any wonder that tangible things are 200 times more real to us than God.

William R. Inge


I am so busy at this present time I cannot do with less than four hours each day in the presence of God.

Martin Luther


I ought to spend the best hours of the day in communion with God.  It is my noblest and most fruitful employment, and is not to be thrust into any corner.

Robert Murray M'Cheyne


Great eagles fly alone; great lions hunt alone; great souls walk alone - alone God.

Leonard Ravenhill

蒼鷹兀自飛翔藍天、雄獅獨自狩獵,偉大心靈獨自邁步向前 - 獨自與神同行。

My God and I are good company.

Richard Sibbes


Water is not lost when it emptieth itself into the sea, for there it is in its proper element.  A Christian is not lost when he loseth himself in his God, in his Saviour.

Richard Sibbes


God has not bowed to our nervous haste nor embraced the methods of our machine age.  The man who would know God must give time to him.

A. W. Tozer
