CHURCH - Duties

教會 - 職責

No church is obedient that is not evangelistic.


The church exists by mission as a fire exists by burring.

Emil Brunner


As the saving doctrine of Christ is the life of the church, so the discipline is, as it were, its sinews.

John Calvin


Wherever we see the Word of God purely preached and heard, there a church of God exists, even if it swarms with many faults.

John Calvin


The Lord God hath given us three principal signs and marks by which we may know this his church, that is to say, the Word, the sacraments and discipline.

John Hooper


Today's church...has no more solemn duty than to maintain purity of doctrine.

R. B. Kuiper


Prayer meetings are the throbbing machinery of the church.

C. H. Spurgeon


If we ever forget our basic charter - 'My house is a house of prayer' - we might as well as shut the church doors.

James S. Stewart


The church has nothing to do but to save souls; therefore spend and be spent in this work.  It is not your business to speak so many times, but to save souls as you can; to bring as many sinners as you possible can to repentance.

John Wesley
