ATONEMENT see also:Cross; Forgiveness by God; Jesus Christ - Death; Redemption


Just as surely as there was an actual cross, an actual body, an actual blood, an actual death, an actual tomb, an actual resurrection - so there was an actual atonement, not merely the possibility of one.

正如同真實有一個十字架,也真實有耶穌的身體、耶穌的死、耶穌的血、真實的墳墓、真實的復活 - 因此同樣有真實的復活,不是只是可能有而已。

The death of Christ was an atonement which totally succeeded, not an attempt which partially failed.


The cross of Jesus Christ is a two-way street; we have been brought to God and God has been brought to us.

Donald Grey Barnhouse


The simplest word of faith is the deepest word of theology: Christ died for our sins.

James Denney


Our answer to the devil's charge is not an alibi, but a plea of guilty and a claim that the demands of justice have been satisfied in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

J. Russell Howden


Christ did not die for any upon condition, if they do believe; but he died for all God's elect, that they should believe.

John Owen



The atonement was not the cause but the effect of God's love.

A. W. Pink
