ALCOHOL  see also: Drunkenness


Alcohol does not make people able to do things better.  It makes them less ashamed of doing them badly.


Alcohol never drowns sorrows; it irrigates them.


Drink like a fish only if you drink what a fish drinks.


The youth who stands with a glass of liquor in his hand would do well to consider which he had best throw away, the liquor or himself.


Wine is a turn-coat: first a friend, then a deceiver, then an enemy.


I have better use for my brain than to poison it with alcohol.  To put alcohol in the human brain is like putting sand in the bearings of engine.

Thomas Edison 1847 - 1931


愛迪生 -   美國發明家

Whisky is a good thing in its place.  There is nothing like it for preserving a man when he is dead.  if you want to keep a dead man, put him in whisky; if you want to kill a live man, put whisky in him.

Thomas Guthrie 1803 - 1873


古特立 - 蘇格蘭長老會牧師,社會改革家。1842年在英國格拉斯哥組織青年會。

Wine has drowned more than the sea.

Publilius Syrus
