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  1. latest additions to the web site

  2. church work, software for financial secretary & church administrator :教會事工及行政事物軟體

  3. fostering participation in the adult learning process: 培養參與成人學習過程

  4. christian adventures

  5. christian articles archive, dr. ralph f. wilson : 基督徒文章搜尋器

  6. the relationship of behaviorism, neo-behaviorism and cognitivism to an evangelical bibliology: 行為主義、新行為主義及認知主義

  7. in the beginning

  8. baumgartner christian bible page newton kansas

  9. the good news cafe

  10. events calendar: 教會事蹟日曆

  11. calculation of the ecclesiastical calendar: 教會年曆計算

  12. net chat #ministry :網路交談事工

  13. australian chinese christian news: 澳洲華人教會資訊

  14. scichr-l science & christianity mailing list

  15. connected christianity

  16. worldwide society of online christians

  17. amanda bennett's christmas page!!

  18. welcome to churchlink

  19. churchnet

  20. cmw-christianity

  21. gospel communications network

  22. the christian computer network home page

  23. c for c - computers for christ

  24. notes on christian computing: 教會電腦應用

  25. christian connections - homepage

  26. conrad's unique resources

  27. crosssearch

  28. finding god in cyberspace

  29. around-the-world news from dawn

  30. dikaios group

  31. the edifier

  32. elijah fellowship international

  33. morning & evening email

  34. new wine christian fellowship

  35. fish net (englisch version)

  36. funerals: 喪禮設計

  37. graveside service: 墓地禮拜設計

  38. gosearch on your site!

  39. welcome to gospeljapan

  40. haynes home menu

  41. the many hats of george hillman

  42. ccn homepage

  43. internet for christians - chapter one: faq's

  44. die deutsche jesus-web-page

  45. catalog of journals available

  46. kihm menu page!

  47. the knights of christ home page

  48. koinonia: a ministry of the church of christ at liberty, mo

  49. korean-american university network

  50. living word library

  51. miami christian university virtual library

  52. the living word library

  53. council on biblical manhood and womanhood

  54. united methodist church in myrtle beach

  55. lorena united methodist church (aldersgate)

  56. in christ ministries

  57. new creation on-line ministries

  58. the nazarene online church library of edison first nazarene

  59. christian network

  60. christian resource network home page

  61. good news for the internet

  62. main menu--good news australia!

  63. servants notes home page

  64. welcome to outreach canada's home on the internet

  65. p.o.w.e.r. net, inc. home page

  66. alpha omega-christian product links

  67. quotes, by subject

  68. religium religion index

  69. religious resources on the net

  70. the internet christian resouce center home page

  71. bible believers' resource page

  72. white tiger haven christian center (sanctuary)

  73. servants notes home page

  74. south carolina christian on the net

  75. christian resources in sweden

  76. university of utah campus crusade for christ

  77. the velasquez web page

  78. webservants home page

  79. wedding planning guide: 婚禮設計指引

  80. wedding helps: 婚禮設計

  81. pastor's policy statement for performing weddings: 婚禮牧師的文詞

  82. outline of wedding ceremony: 婚禮綱要

  83. wedding vows: 婚約誓詞

  84. wedding ceremony (involving children of bride and groom): 再婚的婚禮設計

  85. christian women online

  86. ministry of the word

  87. christian organizations worldwide - homepage

  88. worship that works : selected sermons

  89. wwcw home page

  90. 健康諮詢網:當位傳道人也應該有這方面的資訊吧?

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